Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Story of our Journey

Our journey to Charis started about 8 years ago. Our oldest, Cassady, came to Chris and I asking us to pray about adopting a little sister from China. She had heard Stephen Curtis Chapman's story about how his family had adopted from China, and it had formed an even greater desire for a little sister. So as Chris and I began praying, we realized that God was actually calling us to adopt a little girl from China. And in 2005 we mage the decision to adopt. But by the time God began pushing us to begin the adoption process, He had also started calling us to move from our home in Thomaston, GA, to Snoqualmie, WA, to start a new church plant. Even still, God continually had His hand on our lengthy adoption process. On April 27, 2010, we recieved a referral and saw the face of our beautiful new addition to the Weldon family. We are traveling to China to finalize the adoption on July 22 and on August 6 we will be bringing our baby home. :)

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